Wednesday, April 16, 2014

struggles + leaning on the everlasting arms

hi friends, 
i've been meaning to put together a blog post for a while now
about the reason i can be a bit distant sometimes
about the things that have been weighing down on my heart
about tears that have silently crept down my face
and long nights spent thinking instead of sleeping

it all sounds very dramatic, but it's mostly just everyday things 
that i have allowed to creep in and steal my joy:
parenting struggles, insecurities, dealing with change, hearing of others' deep and painful loss, stress...

i've struggled to practically trust in the lord lately
(i know it in my head, but sometimes my heart needs are reminder...)
and my heart can seem so ultra-tender at times - it just aches as things add up
then my head steps in and tells my heart to toughen up, 
but all that means is that i wait till i'm behind closed doors to mull over it
and, hopefully, to bring it to Jesus
which is exactly what i finally made a point to do last week
and boy am i glad that i did

what a relief it was to have my burden's lifted
and to be reminded that no matter what happens, good or bad,
He is in control, and i can trust in Him and in His goodness 
even (or rather especially) when my heart is heavy with fear, anxiety and grief

i was also reminded that in those specific times i should cling more than ever to His word

so, how do i practically do this?

well, for starters, i follow a great daily Bible reading plan
there are tons of good ones out there - some with more reading, some with less
if this one is too much reading for you on a day-to-day basis,
 i encourage you to find a plan that works for you
there are so many different options out there!
(feel free to get in touch with me if you need some direction in finding one)

i also like to have reminders of God's word tucked here and there:
for example, i often scribble encouraging verses onto scrap paper
and scatter them around the house, to find later
(journals, on my bedside table, my workspace etc ...i even have a couple in my wallet!)
sometimes, i'll write them up all pretty and stick 'em to the fridge or on my to-do list,
since i know i'll be looking at those two places often

another tool i've been using (and loving!) is my 50 Promises flashcards,
which are 50 verses printed in pretty fonts with colorful backgrounds
that i just keep propped up in the kitchen (since that's always been the "hub" of our house)
they're a nice little addition to our "decor"
plus they constantly remind me of truth and encourage my heart
here are a couple that i've "cashed in" lately:
     Matthew 6:30                                                          Philippians 4:19

(oh and there's one in this post too!)

it is such a blessing to renew my mind when life starts to feel overwhelming!
anyway, i hope this post leaves you feeling encouraged
feel free to chime in and share how you work scripture into your everyday life.

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