Friday, September 9, 2011


a couple of weeks ago I mentioned that we were pretty busy with all the renos going on at my parents house.  we looked forward to the weekend with such anticipation, longing for a bit of relaxation, time together and a slower pace.  the saturday was much more hectic than expected, but the sunday definitely fit the bill.  

there was church.  
there were good friends.  
there was sunshine.  
there was a drive out to the beach.  
there was a nice, long walk.  
there was sushi.  
there was picking out a favorite candy from the bulk bins at the grocery store.
and there was crashing on the couch together just to see what was on tv.  

it was grand

then monday morning, it was back to the hectic craze we've been calling life these days.  i thought with the renos behind us, it would be a bit slower, more relax-ier of a feel, but so far we are checking one thing off of the to-do list just to start on the next.  

i wrote out my to-do list (which is always way too much to realistically cram into the couple of hours we have between work and sleep), i looked at it and just sighed - i feel like we've spent the past few months just checking off recurring tasks and not really living. and it's left me drained, on-edge and unfocused.  then as i was listening to a sermon at work (while working, don't worry!) the Lord reminded me that our lives are not our own and that we are not meant to merely survive, but to live intentionally for His glory.  honestly, my first thought was "right - add that to the list"...the next thing the pastor said brought me such encouragement:

"the motivation for ministry doesn't come from ministry...[it] comes from the unveiling of the glory of Jesus.  That means there is a hope from His glory that is gifted to me to be one who is generous and works hard and serves and endures...because He is enough."

the text he was working out of was 2 Corinthians 4:6 "For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."

i could almost feel my soul take a deep, refreshing breath.  yes, my to-do list still needs doing, but the reminder to keep my focus on Him and the things he has set out for me to do, then let all other things come in secondary couldn't have come at a better time.  Thank you, Jesus!  
i know this was a bit of a long post, but i wanted to share how the Lord is working in my life right now - hopefully it encourages you as much as it encouraged me.  before i wrap it up, i have an overdue 19 week photo for you - we're almost halfway there already!

1 comment:

  1. Bigggggggg Comgratulations Hun.... So happy for u .. a girl or a boy ??? miss u


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