Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Camping, Part Two: Porch Time

Hey there!
So, I sort of fell off the radar there for a little bit.
Life sometimes gets way out of hand around here
...and unexpected staycations like the one we had over the long weekend sure don't help
but we loved every second of it and are back at it having enjoyed some much needed family and down time

ironically, I actually had this post ready to go a week ago, but just didn't get around to hitting that "publish" button...
so without further ado, more camping pictures! 

Apparently, I was a bit camera-happy during porch time.
So happy, that I decided to give some of our pictures on the cabin porch their very own post.

A passerby offered to take a family picture in the middle of my snap-fest
My immediate response was "nah - I look schlepped together"
Ten minutes later, I regretted that decision 
...note to self / tip from my mistakes:  you will NEVER feel ready for a picture; next time, just let the nice stranger capture your moment together with the fam!


  1. I love the one where they are both giggling at the camera! Such good pictures!


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