Thursday, December 30, 2010

not exactly your typical Christmas day...

hello there - just taking a break from Christmas break to share a glimpse of our Christmas day.  we kicked the day off by lighting the final advent candle and opening more presents than i think i have ever seen (we are a spoiled bunch!) then moved outside for some of this:


it was cold.  and loud.  but well worth the company.  i was a wimp and sat in the car with heated seats then headed back to the warmth of the house earlier than the rest of the gang - but not before i snapped some great shots.  hope you had a wonderful Christmas too! 


  1. good shots - pun intended ;)

    btw, what were they shooting at?

  2. thanks - i was pretty pleased with how they turned out. they were shooting at bright orange clay pigeons. i tried to get a shot of them, but Daniel moved them at just the right moment - boo.


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